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Getting started

This API docs describes how to use Credify's SMB product API as a provider.

API Base


The API key and API secret can be used to obtain the token as follows.

POST /auth/token

"grant_type": "ACCESS_TOKEN"

Sample response

"access_token": "eyJh..."

Note: this this is a short lived access token, you need to generate a new one if your flow expands the expiry date.

Usage on subsequent requests

Authorized endpoints require Authorization header with a Bearer token

Authorization: Bearer <ACCESS_TOKEN>

Success Response

All error responses will return a JSON object with success: true and data fields, in addition to the proper HTTP status code.

Example Success Response

"success": true,
"data": {...} // your data is here

Error Response

All error responses will return a JSON object with success: false and error_code fields, in addition to the proper HTTP status code.

Example Error Response

"success": false,
"error_code": "MERCHANT_NOT_FOUND"



  • Endpoint paths: kebab-case
  • Query parameters: snake_case
  • Request and response body fields: snake_case

For example:

POST /some-endpoint/path?param_abc=123

"field_abc": "xyz",
"field_123": 999


All dates are in ISO-8601 date format, e.g: 2008-01-10T11:00:00-05:00

Usage example
const isoDate = "2008-01-10T11:00:00-05:00";
const parsedDate = new Date(isoDate);
console.log(parsedDate); // Outputs: Thu Jan 10 2008 16:00:00 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time)